The Freedom of Less: How to Declutter Like a Pro
As professional organizers, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of decluttering. It's not just about making a space “tidy”—it’s about creating a more peaceful and, even more importantly, functional environment. Let yourself experience the freedom of less and what it can do for you and your family’s well-being.
If you haven’t already, I recommend you read our Ultimate Guide on How to Organize Your Home. In this article we get into the nitty gritty of how to take on a space as a whole, decluttering and beyond. In this blog post, I am focusing solely on how to best tackle the daunting questions decluttering can bring and how to stay focused on the finish line.
One of the biggest challenges people face when decluttering is decision fatigue. Deciding what to let go of, what to keep, what to donate and who to donate to... It can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, it can also be incredibly liberating. Clients often say the exact same thing: “It was so difficult letting go of things when we started but it’s amazing how good it feels having less clutter.. Now I want ALL of it gone”.
Here are some Type A tips to help you learn how to declutter like a pro:
Where do I start?
Identify the areas in your house that drive you the craziest. Perhaps these are high trafficked areas? That closet, cabinet, or attic area that collects everything you don’t have space for? These are some questions you can ask yourself when deciding on an area to start with.
Set realistic goals for yourself with the time that you have. If you are looking to organize an entire space while decluttering and have prioritized enough time to do it- great! Dive in! Maybe you want more storage space and want to finally go through those boxes you haven’t touched in years?! Know that we are clapping for you!
If you only have a short amount of time- take things one box or shelf at a time. Having a plan will keep you focused and motivated without getting overwhelmed. Ever take on a large project that creates big mess, leaving you with questions like– WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE!? Action planning on the front end really helps you prevent moments like this.
Sorting into categories
As you work through your space, sort your items into categories. Our three basic categories we start with are: keep, donate, and discard. We often find we need to add subcategories to these depending on the items and situation, but this is a good starting point. (Examples: keepsakes, give to a relative, come back to this item later)
We recommend using our Tried-and-True Tape Task Method when going through a larger range of belongings, especially when items belong to more than one person. This will help keep track of decisions you have already made and avoid confusion about where items need to end up.
Sorting items into piles and labeling with colored tape helps you see exactly what you have, allowing for easier decision making.
Tip: We recommend keeping a donation bin at all times in your house, garage or car to collect items that you run into over time that you are ready to part with.
Ask yourself the right questions
When deciding whether to keep or let go of an item, ask yourself the following questions:
Do I use this regularly? If not, why am I holding onto it?
Example: If you have a large collection of cookbooks but rarely cook, it might be time to let them go.
Does this item bring me joy or serve a purpose in my life? If not, is it worth keeping?
Example: if you have a piece of furniture you never use and doesn't fit your style, it may be better off donated into the hands of someone in need.
Is this item taking up valuable space in my home? If so, is it worth keeping?
Example: If you have duplicate items– these can take up so much precious space! Consider keeping only one and donating the rest. Ahem, how many spatulas or tongs do you really use on a daily basis?
Can someone else benefit from this item more than I can? If so, consider donating it.
Example: if you have gently used clothing that no longer fits or suits your style, donate it to a local charity or shelter.
For when you just can’t decide…
If you are having a particularly hard time with this process or specific items, put them to the side and come back to it and try focusing on a an item that brings you less sentiment. Typically your gut will serve you well when you start to get the hang of decluttering and donating.
I will say, from our experience, if you’re questioning it and can’t make a decision within 3-5 seconds… you should most likely let go of it.
Use the one-year rule
This is a lifestyle rule we definitely agree with. If you haven't used or worn an item in the past year and it’s taking up real estate in your closet or dresser, it's time to let it go.
Example: The toy your child hasn’t played with in over a year? It’s time to get that in the hands of someone who could make more use of it in their season!
Easy Clothing Decluttering Tip:
In closets, we recommend flipping your hangers backwards. Give yourself a time period and set a calendar reminder (3 months – 1 year). As you wear your clothes, place them back on the rod the correct way.
When the time comes, take notice of the clothes that have not been flipped, with the hanger still backwards and consider donating those that are still in good condition. This is a great way to truly identify the pieces that you gravitate toward from those that remain untouched for months and/or years at a time.
Be mindful of sentimental items
This is the most difficult one. Easier for some- nearly impossible for others. That is okay and you need feel no shame! We also find in couples, one may be the collector of sentimental items and one may let go of these items rather easily. Sometimes it can be both parties, sometimes neither. No matter the dynamic, it can make for an even more complicated expedition at times. No one person is “wrong” in these situations, and we need both types of people in this world. If the goal is to open up space and take some of the weight holding on too many (not all) of these items can bring, it needs to be addressed. Sentimental items can be the hardest to let go of, but it's important to be mindful of the amount of space they take up in your home. Ask yourself, do I want my home to serve primarily as a living space or a storage space?
If this is a challenging area for you, begin by asking yourself “what defines a keepsake?” The biggest advice from all the experience we have gained is when you keep every item that holds any memory, you will not be able to enjoy the things truly bringing you joy. The collection will collect and grow until you have boxes upon boxes of items that are overwhelming instead of something more manageable you can easily access and enjoy on occasion.
You may have some items that are essential for you to keep and others not. Sometimes you will have to take breaks if things are too hard- and that’s okay too.
Tip: If you are having a particularly hard time letting go of your treasures, we suggest taking pictures of them before letting them go, so you can still cherish the memories without the physical clutter. Remember, you have memories without items, memories are always with you. Throwing away the old movie tickets you’ve been collecting for decades with the intention of scrapbooking one day doesn’t mean you didn’t go to those movies. You will always have those movies, you lived those experiences!
The items we hold for other people’s feelings
This is something we see often.
Of course, we don’t know every situation and totally understand there can be extenuating circumstances. We are talking to the people holding on to that gifted or passed down furniture piece taking up half their basement that will simply never fit their style. To the person keeping the collection of dolls that hold a little bit of sentimental value, but not really, but an aunt gave it to them, so they feel bad giving it away…
Here is your permission to give it away.
Donate with purpose
When donating items, choose organizations aligning with your values. This can make the process of letting go so much easier. It always helps me knowing the items I am giving away will be put to good use and serve others.
We have several local Nashville nonprofits and organizations we partner with when making donations for clients. Check out our Local Donation Guide here!
Celebrate your progress!
Decluttering can be a long and challenging process. It’s not done overnight. Take moments to reflect throughout your decluttering and organizing journey with how far you have come. After tackling a particularly challenging space, take a step back and appreciate the newfound space and calm it brings having less “stuff”.
Before and after pictures can really help gauge your progress, further giving you the motivation (and let’s be honest, bandwidth) to keep going! After long days of working on large projects, even our own team members need to reflect back on what the space looked like when we started. These gentle nods remind us how incredible crossing the finish line will be.
Making hard decisions and clearing out spaces can be exhausting but it’s important to celebrate these achievements so you stay motivated to keep going.