Love Your Home, Love Yourself
Setting Mindful and Intentional Routines to Transform Yourself and Your Home
Taking care of oneself often falls by the wayside during the frenzy of daily and weekly routines- can I get an Amen? Work deadlines… family and social commitments… chores and household responsibilities… It is so easy to let our own well-being get overlooked.
What if I told you that self-care can begin right at home, amidst the very spaces we live in, day in and day out? Let’s reframe possible preconceived notions of tidying and organizing. Let’s welcome in new habits that will help you love the home you have made and, in turn, open up more space for you to slow down and take care of yourself—whatever that may mean for you.
Of course, like anything there are seasons of life where these routines will look different than other seasons. It may take sacrifices in other areas, it may take saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t commit to that at the moment,” it may take getting up before the kids are awake. The freedom that comes from taking care of yourself is so worth it in the end. You cannot pour anything from an empty cup!
1. Morning Mindfulness: Start Your Day Right
Begin your day with intention. Take a few moments to tidy up your living space. Clear off countertops, make your bed, and open the curtains to let in natural light. The benefits for the simple act of making your bed are astronomical. Studies show that this one act of accomplishment can increase productivity, decrease stress, and even improve sleep quality. For me, my first act looks a little different. Since my husband is usually still asleep when I get up, I’ll come back to this later. A part of my nightly routine is to make sure the kitchen countertops are clear and all dishes are out of the sink but I take a moment to clear any clutter in the living room where I typically read and drink my coffee.
Coffee and quiet reading time is an enormous joy for me every morning. I am simply not living my best life without it. (Shout out to any fellow coffee snobs out there! – See some of my recs below for my personal gear + recs) As you drink your morning coffee or tea- take a few deep breaths. Say a prayer and/or set an intention for the day ahead. This is the absolute slowest time of my day and I absolutely love it. It does so much for my mental and spiritual health.
Engage in some stretching or a light (or intense) workout. Come up with a routine that leaves you feeling refreshed and inspired! Starting your day with intentional grounding and mindfulness can set a positive tone for the hours to come.
2. Decluttering: Clearing Space Clears Your Mind
Set aside time each week to tackle a specific area or space of your home. Attend to a cluttered closet… Throw out expired foods in the pantry… clear out that chaotic desk or catch-all drawer. It doesn’t have to be done all at one, just one space at a time with the eventual goal of every item in your house having a home. If you’re struggling on where to start when it comes to decluttering, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Home.
As you come across clutter throughout your week, ask yourself these important questions: Does this item serve a purpose?... Does it bring me joy?... Decluttering isn't just about creating a clean house—it's about creating room for growth, inspiration, and a place of refuge and peace.
Create a plan for you to keep up with the spaces and systems that you have organized. I promise, when there’s less clutter and every item has a home, it is so much easier to keep up with.
3. Daily Rituals: Infusing Self-Care Into Your Routine
Find moments throughout the day to pause and breathe. Stop for a moment and take a walk outside. Have a tea or coffee break. Stretch for a few minutes. Slow down. The work at hand will still be there in a few minutes.
Infuse your daily endeavors with presence and gratitude. Cooking meals, tidying up, doing laundry… Take these tasks and begin to reframe those once mundane everyday chores as opportunities to show care for your home, family, and yourself.
4. Daily Rituals: Taking care of your body
For myself, I need to force myself to set aside time for non-rushed physical self-care. My daily routine that I always try to follow is having a relaxing shower and skincare in the morning and/ or evening. Turn on some music! I love some energetic music in the morning and peaceful at night! If I happen to have more time on my hands, I may even take an Epsom salt bath instead of a shower. This small routine takes time to care for my body that takes care of me every day.
How are you giving back to your body? What intentional moments are you giving to yourself or do you want to give yourself?
My personal happy place for self-care is taking care of my nails. This is my non-negotiable splurge and my favorite night of relaxation once every week. I set up a foot bath in the living room, throw a little epsom salt in it, put on my favorite TV show or movie and paint my nails. Btw - Enneagram 6w5 Guardian Investigator here, if you’re familiar. Trust my rec on the footbath I use- you will not regret it! Us organizers are not typically ones to recommend things like this unless it truly sparks joy in you- and this definitely sparks joy for me! I have also found the greatest 5 minute completely dry nail polish system that lasts chip free for 10+ days. This is an absolute must for me as I will always mess up my nails within a minute and a half of finishing with regular polish. Not to mention it’s completely non-toxic and vegan! Follow my favorite youtube girlie for swatches.
Here are some of my go-to FAVORITE skincare and spa recs:
5. Reflection = Renewal: Ending Your Day with Gratitude
As you are getting ready for bed, check on your living spaces again. Tidy up any clutter that’s out. This sense of order will bring a feeling of calm knowing you will start the day with the way you are leaving it. Dim the lights and slip on some cozy pajamas.
Create your own peaceful bedtime rituals. Read a book, do some stretching or listen to soothing music. Perhaps do some journaling and practice gratitude for the day coming to a close by jotting down some things you are thankful for from the day.
Embrace the Process: Love Your home and Those Around You by Loving Yourself.
This may all sound like an overwhelming task – to take care of yourself. It may take compromises with your family, and it will very likely take deliberate planning to put these actions into place. It is so worth it. You can still be an absolute boss, accomplish everything on your task list, be a great parent, spouse or friend, while taking care of yourself. I believe that the only way you can truly do all those things is by taking the time to take care of yourself. It takes practice, and we all fall short sometimes. Sometimes those counters won’t be clean before you go to bed- and that’s okay. Knowing when to let go is self-care as well.
When you prioritize organization, you increase mental clarity (ahem, success is rooted in our environment!) Reframe the mundane to be opportunities to love on your home, your environment. Pause and breathe throughout the day, and choose joy. Every small act of self-care matters. You cannot pour from an empty cup – so fill your own cup already!