alright, alright, alright

Well, we’re finally doing it. Welcome to the blog! I’m incredibly excited to welcome you to our brand-new blog, Type A Living. As the owner of a professional organizing company, I’m all about bringing that TYPE A ENERGY into every aspect of living, and I can't wait to share the juicy tips, epic projects, (and wild ways my brain processes chaos) with all of you.

Despite what you think you know about professional organizers… I’m not just about color-coordinated closets and perfectly labeled spice racks (although I do love those). This blog isn’t that. I know you love our satisfying timelapse transformations on our Instagram stories, but this is going to be something different. This is way more special, think *unfiltered version*. This is the place you can come for ALL. THE. DETAILS. If you know me, you know I’m a teacher and learner at heart. I love learning new things, especially ways to be more efficient with my day-to-day so I have more time for fun!

When I was an assistant principal, my colleagues called me “Type A Tucker.” They would come to my office and ask me to “just do that thing you do” for their classrooms. That thing I did was never something I really understood, it wasn’t exactly a skill I could put into words. I could feel it in the work I was doing but I couldn’t explain it back then.

I’ll fast forward and save us some time… The it was my brain processing chaos and navigating towards calm. I loved it. The bigger the mess, the more satisfying the finish line. This is where I thrived.

That was until after ten years in the public-school trenches, I decided to hang up my cape. You can read more about that part of my journey on our Behind the Brand page. I wanted to set my own ceiling and find more ways to just do that thing I do. I sought new chaos to calm. Ahem, enter Type A Lifestyle Co.

Now with the business nearly 5 years old and my cup overflowing from so much learning, I’ve been itching to exercise my teaching skills again.

In this blog, it’s my hope to be able to give you the inside scoop on the it –through personal home projects, tips for living a type a lifestyle, and even give the wheel to team members so you can see these methods beyond just myself. Now, of course I’ll be sharing those really unique client projects when we can, but this little platform will be more personal. Like remember when I shared the digitizing project with my family and posted childhood footage from 1990-2000’s? Get the popcorn ready, this is a must watch if you haven’t already. This blog is going to be like that—a lot of fun, a little crazy, and super intimate.

Listen champ, I know life can get hectic, but with a little organization and determination, I truly believe anything is possible—even free time. I hope you'll stick around for some laughs, maybe a few "oops" moments, and a whole lot of learning to lean into the type a lifestyle.

Thanks for being here!

Xx Betsy

Betsy Tucker

Founder, Owner

Type A Lifestyle Co.


The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Home